
I've finally got rid of my font problems, which seemed to arise from
badly written configuration files. Noticing that one of my apps worked
fine (kedit), I wandered through my ~/.kde/share/config/keditrc, and
found the catch. In that file, the font was defined as:


while in all other files, the same font were described as:


Notice the `15' instead of the `0'? Yes, it was the source of all my
problems: seems a font defined with that `15' setting cannot be
displayed right. Replacing it in the other files (especially
kdeglobals) made all my applications behave the good way
instantaneously. Still, as this is not the standard X way to define a
font, I don't know what that 15 meant. Is it a foundry setting, a width
setting, an encoding setting? More important: does the fonts get
defined this way only in Debian? If that is the case, the Debian
packages should take care of defining them correctly; otherwise, It
would require to file a bug report to the upstream maintainers (well,
OK, it could be a problem specific to my installation, but I just did
an `apt-get install task-kde' so this is very unlikely).

Anyway I'm more than happy at the moment. Thanks for the help, too!

 > Il [e2fsck] a bien démarré, mais il m'a rendu la main aussitot en me
 > disant "houlala, c'est pas beau à voir votre truc, je préfèrerai que
 > vous teniez vous même la tronçonneuse" (traduction libre)
 NC in Guide du linuxien pervers : "Bien configurer sa tronçonneuse."

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