In litteris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Gordon Sadler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scripsit:
> qt-fonts-HOWTO.html
> XftConfig.example

OK, I've read these ones. Maybe I'm mistaken here, but the
qt-fonts-HOWTO seemed to me to be a guide to anti-aliasing with QT/KDE.
Which isn't at all what I want; not that AA isn't a nifty feature, but
my X server lacks the "Render" extension, which seems mandatory from
what I read. Nevertheless, I gave it a try, modified the XftConfig to
acknowledge the fonts from the msttcorefonts package, set the QT_XFT
variable to 1, turned on AA in the Control Center, and... nothing
happened, as I thought. I'm still stuck with helvetica. Now, having
spent my night de-installing and re-installing KDE, I think I'll go to
sleep a bit...

> The important thing to remember, font servers play 0 role in this, it is
> all controlled by /etc/X11/XftConfig and ~/.xftconfig, as far as AA
> fonts go.

Yes, but I never talked of _AA fonts_, I talked about _fonts_. I don't
want AA, since I can't have AA, I just want KDE to be able to display
my non anti-aliased fonts. And XftConfig seems totally extraneous to
this problem (well, maybe I'm making a mistake here, but I haven't even
be able to find a paper explaining the syntax of that file, so if I've
missed something, I would be happy to know about that).

Well, hope I got the question right this time. Sorry if there are
misunderstandings, I know my English is fairly bad :(

Thank you for your answers, I'm dying to see that darn KDE work!

 «Ca te derange ??? Je fait ce que je veut si ca te plait pas tu vas
 ailleurs gros c,, Mis a part ca si quelqun voulait bien me repondre
 ce serais sympa.» 
 TOTO in Guide du linuxien pervers : "Bien préparer sa repartie"

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