> 1. with that many fonts, _everything_ kde slows to a crawl. launching > konqueror took upwards of a minute. i could open netscape 4.x, get the > info i needed, and close it before konqueror would start > sometimes. this went away when i dropped down to ~8 or so tt > fonts. maybe a bug in xfs-xtt?
Just for fun, remove all your fonts, or at least 1550 of those 1600, log in from a 2nd computer using telnet, and run top Now log in to KDE2.1 and you will notice that xfs-xtt will be run on 50% or more for a _lot_ of the time while KDE2.x starts. Replace xfs-xtt with xfs, and you will see the same. Use X without fontserver, and X will use that CPU time. Now log in to Gnome, while watching the system's behaviour on a remote top, and see how xfs hardly uses and CPU time at all. So it's something in Qt/KDE which makes X do a _lot_ of font-rendering when there isn't even anything to be shown. Now I have only a few fonts installed, no more than 50. But with 1600 fonts, ayee, that's gonna hurt. > 2. i think this may also be a bug in xfs-xtt, but font configuration > dialogs for fixed-width fonts don't work properly. they only show one > font, "fixed," which doesn't actually exist. it just seems to match It always does this, for me too. I have xfs installed. It didn't matter whether I turned off the fontserver or not. It's again some bug in KDE or Qt. With regards, --Tim