> > This morning I upgraded the kde packages that were available
> > for potato. After I locked my screen in KDE, I was unable to
> > unlock it (log back in). I then killed the x-server and tried
> > to log back in thru kdm...no dice. KDM would not let any users
> > log in...even root. There were no problems loggin in to a
> > normal shell however. I found this in /var/log/auth.log:
> >
> > Mar  9 10:30:19 cartman kcheckpass[499]: authentication failure
> > for user uhlhorn [uid 1000]
> >
> > Anyone know what happened?
> I never got KDM to work, it never accepted the password. But then 
> I have been using KDE from CVS, so I account such problems to 
> some kind of debianization that I miss out not doing it the 
> debian way.
> Right now I am trying to recompile the whole thing, this time 
> using the debian rules, and thus putting everything into the 
> debian places. Not that easy, since the sources appears to be 
> more updated than the debian rules, and sometimes have different 
> opinions. I somehow assume that debian changes goes back into the 
> KDE CVS tree.
> Sometimes there is a debian.diff file in the debian directory, 
> which I apply. Sometimes successfully, sometimes not.
the debian.diff is something new I started doing.  It should apply to
the current KDE_2_1_BRANCH branch of CVS. I can only guess it wont'
compile against HEAD.  

> qt-copy is extra horrible to compile from sources the debian way. 
> If I find any problems, is there anyone interesting in knowing 
> what I did to make it work, or what failed? Note this does not 
> relate to the built .deb files, but to rebuilding them from KDE 
> CVS sources.

I need to create a debian.diff for this as well.  there are a few
things I do differently...


Ivan E. Moore II
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