Am Tuesday 06 March 2001 17:06 schrieb Nick:
> On Tue 06 Mar, Robert Tilley wrote:
> > When I view text files using Konqueror, the text is displayed with an
> > eye-squintingly small font.  Unfortunately, there is no Increase Font
> > Size button as there is when browsing.
> >
> > Someone please tell me I've overlooked how to increase the font size
> > during text display and that the Konqueror developers did not overlook
> > this important option.
> I've submitted bug reports about this year, and had no response, not even
> a "you are an idiot - the option is <here>".

When you use konqueror to view text files an external component is loaded, 
normally this is kwrite, also known as "Advanced Editor", but it could also 
be kedit, if it is installed.
So, if you configure kwrite to use bigger fonts then konqueror will also use
bigger fonts for the embedded text display, because it shows the text
using kwrite.
The fonts in kwrite can be changed via the Menu
Settings->Configure Highlighting where you can change the default font.
If you want to change the component showing text files, you have to change
the file association entry "text/plain" in the control center.

Hope this helps.

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