> For some reason the panel (I think this is what it's called, the thing on the 
> bottom with the big 'K' on it ;-) is not loading.  After reviewing the output 
> of dpkg --get-selections (which I have attached) I noticed kpanel is not 
> installed.  I tried installing it but got the error that it "Can't find 
> package kpanel."  I ftp'ed over to kde.tdyc.com and looked into 
> /debian/dists/potato/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz and couldn't find any 
> reference to kpanel.  Has the package name changed or am I in between uploads 
> to the server?
> One other thing I've noticed is that on starting KDE2 the splash screens are 
> missing. I do have a working install of KDE2 on my laptop which I'm writing 
> this email from.  I tried comparing the differences between the two but 
> figured I'd try you guys to see if this is an easy fix I'm just 
> overlooking:-).

When you start kde2 your not using /usr/bin/kde2...your using /usr/bin/kwm
which only starts kwin and kdekstop...this is by design (to conform to policy)
and will actually be going totally away.

best solution is to create a ~/.xsession file with 

  exec /usr/bin/kde2

in it. 


Ivan E. Moore II
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