
Going to this web page in Konqueror kills the KDE session and I'm left 
staring at the kdm login screen.


This behaviour seems to be reproducable, I was thinking it might've 
been an ad on the page, but other Register pages seem to give Konqueror 
no problems.

Here are the versions of my kde packages:

ii  kab            2.0-final-7    An addressbook for KDE
ii  kabalone       2.0-final-8    Abalone board game for KDE
ii  kaiman         2.0-final-7    Media player for KDE
ii  karm           2.0-final-7    A time tracker for KDE
ii  kasteroids     2.0-final-8    Asteroids for KDE
ii  katomic        2.0-final-8    The Atomic Entertainment Handbook
ii  kblackbox      2.0-final-8    A simple logical game for the KDE 
ii  kcalc          2.0-final-7    A calculator for KDE
ii  kcharselect    2.0-final-7    A Character set selector for KDE
ii  kchart         2.0-final-8    KDE Office Suite - KChart
ii  kcron          2.0-final-8    Crontab editor for KDE
ii  kdebase        2.0-final-12   KDE core applications
ii  kdebase-crypto 2.0-final-6    KDE core applications (Crypto modules)
ii  kdebase-doc    2.0-final-12   Documentation for Applications in 
ii  kdebase-libs   2.0-final-12   KDE libraries amd modules for kdebase
ii  kdelibs3       2.0-final-13   KDE core libraries (runtime files)
ii  kdelibs3-crypt 2.0-final-7    KDE core libraries (Crypto Modules)
ii  kdepasswd      2.0-final-7    A Password changer frontend for KDE
ii  kdewallpapers  2.0-final-12   Some wallpapers for KDE
ii  kdm            2.0-final-12   The K Desktop Manager
ii  kedit          2.0-final-7    A simple text editor for KDE
ii  kernel-headers 2.2.17-1       Header files related to Linux kernel 
ii  kernel-image-2 2.2.17-1       Linux kernel binary image for version 
ii  keystone       2.0-final-7    Virtual Network Computer Client for 
ii  kfind          2.0-final-7    A KDE based file finder
ii  kfloppy        2.0-final-7    A floppy disk formater frontend
ii  kfract         2.0-final-7    fractal generator for KDE
ii  kghostview     2.0-final-7    PostScript viewer for KDE.
ii  khexedit       2.0-final-7    A hex editor for KDE
ii  killustrator   2.0-final-8    KDE Office Suite - KIllustrator
ii  kit            2.0-final-7    AOL Instant messanger frontend for KDE
ii  kivio          0.9.1-1        Powerful Flowchart Program for KDE 2
ii  kjots          2.0-final-7    A small note taker program for KDE
ii  kjumpingcube   2.0-final-8    Tactical one or two player game
ii  klaptopdaemon  2.0-final-7    battery monitoring and management for 
ii  kljettool      2.0-final-7    Laser Jet tools for KDE
ii  klpq           2.0-final-7    KDE port of a program called xlpq
ii  kmahjongg      2.0-final-8    the classic mahjongg game for KDE 
ii  kmail          2.0-final-7    Mail Client based on QT and KDE
ii  kmid           2.0-final-7    midi/karaoke player for KDE
ii  kmidi          2.0-final-7    midi-to-wav player/converter for KDE
ii  kmines         2.0-final-8    Minesweeper for KDE
ii  kmix           2.0-final-7    KDE based mixer app
ii  kmoon          2.0-final-7    displays various phases of the moon
ii  knode          2.0-final-7    News reader for KDE
ii  knotes         2.0-final-7    Sticky notes for KDE
ii  kodo           2.0-final-7    mouse odometer which shows how far 
your mous
ii  koffice-libs   2.0-final-8    KDE Office Suite (Common libraries 
and binar
ii  konqueror      2.0-final-12   KDE's advanced File Manager, Web 
Browser and
ii  konquest       2.0-final-8    KDE based GNU-Lactic Konquest game
ii  konsole        2.0-final-12   X terminal emulation for KDE
ii  korganizer     2.0-final-6    Personal organizer based on QT and KDE
ii  korn           2.0-final-7    Mail notifier for KDE
ii  koshell        2.0-final-8    KDE Office Workspace
ii  kpackage       2.0-final-8    Software package tool for KDE
ii  kpat           2.0-final-8    KDE solitaire patience game.
ii  kpixmap2bitmap 2.0-final-7    pixmap to bitmap conversion tool
ii  kpm            2.0-final-7    Process manager for KDE
ii  kpoker         2.0-final-8    KDE based Poker clone
ii  kppp           2.0-final-7    PPP dialer for KDE
ii  kpresenter     2.0-final-8    KDE Office Suite - KPresenter
ii  kreversi       2.0-final-8    Reversi for KDE
ii  ksame          2.0-final-8    SameGame for KDE
ii  kscd           2.0-final-7    KDE based cd player
ii  kshisen        2.0-final-8    Shisen-Sho for KDE
ii  ksirc          2.0-final-7    IRC Client based on QT and KDE
ii  ksirtet        2.0-final-8    Tetris and Puyo-Puyo games for KDE
ii  ksmiletris     2.0-final-8    Tetris like game for KDE
ii  ksnake         2.0-final-8    Snake Race for KDE
ii  ksnapshot      2.0-final-7    Screenshot application for KDE
ii  ksokoban       2.0-final-8    Sokoban game for KDE
ii  kspaceduel     2.0-final-8    Arcade two-player space game for KDE
ii  kspread        2.0-final-8    KDE Office Suite - KSpread
ii  ksysctrl       2.0-final-8    Hardware configuration tool for KDE
ii  ksysv          2.0-final-8    SysV-style init configuration editor
ii  ktalkd         2.0-final-7    Talk daemon for KDE
ii  kteatime       2.0-final-7    A tea cooker timer
ii  ktimemon       2.0-final-7    small but nifty system monitor
ii  ktron          2.0-final-8    tron-clone for the K Desktop 
ii  ktuberling     2.0-final-8    Potato Guy for KDE
ii  kuser          2.0-final-8    A user/group administration tool for 
ii  kview          2.0-final-7    A simple image viewer/converter for 
ii  kword          2.0-final-8    KDE Office Suite - KWord
ii  kworldwatch    2.0-final-7    displays where in the world it is 
light and


"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it."
                                        -- Oscar Wilde  
Ian Donaldson   VP of Wild Flailings   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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