El Viernes, 14 de Enero de 2005 19:55, Achim Woessner escribió:
> I would appreciate if you could give this procedure, I am compiling them
> with the kdecvs-build script from Michael Pyne but it would be nice if I
> had debian packages of the cvs builds so I can easily distribute them here
> in the network.

I also have CVS snapshots installed apart from the debian packages. IMHO, it's 
better than experimental packages, because I can run the two versions 
simultaneusly, with debugging symbols (for reporting crashes), and you can 
update to a new snapshot very easily.

BTW, a screenshot of two KPDF versions:

The process is very straighforward, and well documented in developer.kde.org. 
Here is my recipe:

1. Make sure you have all -dev packages needed. If configure fails, you should 
see what it says, and see which package you are missing. A good hint is look 
in debian/control, and install the listed packages in Build-Depend. But 
caution, for some packages, this list is outdated, since now the packages 
store the debian/ dir the pkg-kde repository, in alioth.

2. Checkout at least arts and kdelibs (mmm, not 100% sure if kdebase is 
required, but is a good idea).

3. For each CVS module, run this (paths are of course, are customizable):

make -f Makefile.cvs &&
mkdir objdir &&
cd objdir &&
../configure --prefix=$HOME/build --enable-final
make && make install

--enable-final is a very good idea for the first build (increases compilation 
speed), but maybe not for the next ones.

For updating a module:
cvs up &&
cd objdir &&

4. Now, for launching apps from the compiled sources, you must setup some 
environment variables. I suggest putting them in a script:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/kde$ cat environment.sh
export QTDIR=$HOME/build
export KDEDIR=$HOME/build
export KDEDIRS=$HOME/build

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/build/lib
export PATH=$HOME/build/bin:$PATH
export KDEHOME=$HOME/.kdecvs

So open a shell, and source it this way (don't execute it with 
"./environment.sh" , or will be run in a subshell, and changes lost):

. ./environment.sh

5. Run kbuildsycoca in the _same_ shell you set the enviroment variables.

6. Execute the application you want, in the same shell too, for example, 

If you notice that some application from the stable packages doesn't work, run 
kbuildsycoca again, but in a shell _without_ that especial environment.

I don't know if some things are not fully correct, but I just can say "it 
works for me". ;-)

Alex (a.k.a. suy) - GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2
http://darkshines.net/ - Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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