Hi Debian,

Maybe you're not quite ready for success in trading.  

How's that?

You see, many people get into trading and have to go 
through some pretty serious financial bashing before 
they are ready to face some simple truths.

One comment that I've heard from many veteran traders
and I've found to be true in my own experience is that
most new traders are too caught up in the pipedream of
overnight riches or the hype of the system they 
bought into.

They keep trying to convince themselves that it is all
in the system.

It seems like people just aren't willing to take the
personal aspects of trading seriously until they've been
hurt bad enough thinking that it is all in the system.

You see, it doesn't matter what system you use.  Even
if you've got the best system on the planet, you still
are the one trading it.  

If your emotions keep you from consistently executing 
that system well, you'll keep making mistakes that 
keep putting you in the position where you have to 
recoup losses rather than grow your account.

If you've had your share of the harsh lessons the 
markets can dole out, and you're tired of making mistakes
that you kick yourself for afterwards, then maybe you
are ready.


But then again, maybe not.  

Maybe you truly need to suffer through a few more big 
losses that kick you right in the self-esteem and in your

Now, I'm not trying to be harsh here or a smart-alec.  Am
I kind of putting it straight to you, even though it's 
not all rosy?  Yes indeed, because I care about you.

You've got a good soul, and I hate seeing bad things
happen to good people.  I care enough to be blunt because
if you're having trouble dealing with your emotions, I'd 
like to help you get past that and on to enjoyable 

If you are ready, then act now and procrastinate tomorrow!

Most sincerely,


P.S.  So that there is a happy ending here, the bonus to
getting a handle on your emotions is that this is by far 
the fastest way to improve your profitability in trading.

Don't wait.  If you're ready to take leaps and not baby-
steps in your progress as a trader, this is the best and
easiest way to make it happen - that is, if you're ready...


New Ireland Ventures LLC
314 Loggerhead Drive
Columbia, SC

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