On Fri, 21 Apr 2006 04:51:54 -0600
roberto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ciao a tutti
> esiste per KDE una interfaccia grafica per la configurazione della
> interfaccia di rete eth0?
> mi serve quando mi sposto da una rete all'altra con il portatile e
> devo riconfigurare indirizzi IP,  gateway ecc...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache search kde network configuration

knetworkconf - KDE network configuration tool

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache show knetworkconf

Description: KDE network configuration tool
 This is a KDE control center module to configure TCP/IP settings.  It
 can be used to manage network devices and settings for each device.
 This package is part of KDE, as a component of the KDE administration
 module. See the 'kde' and 'kdeadmin' packages for more information.


Marco Bertorello
System Administrator
Linux Registered User #319921

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