Dario Buso - wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo apt-get install lyx
> Password:
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> Package lyx has no available version, but exists in the database.
> This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and
> never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents
> of sources.list
> E: Package lyx has no installation candidate
> Qualcuno sa dirmi come mai?

vabbè è scritto nel messaggio:
non hai l'indirizzo giusto nel sources.list
(se il pacchetto esiste ancora)
dopo una mini ricerca su www.apt-get.org ho trovato i seguenti risultati:

Unofficial APT repositories - package search

Package search results:
 Packages for woody (Added 2002-12-3, last checked 2003-04-16) (Download as 
text) - maintained by Adrian Bunk <bAunk at fs dot tum dot de> 
 I have prepared some packages that update some packages that are not or 
only in an older version in woody. I try my best to avoid problems with 
both installing these packages on a Debian 3.0 and upgrading with these 
packages installed to Debian 3.1. Please read 
 Packages: e.g. gcc 3.2, Kernel 2.4.19,XFree86 4.2.1, updated versions of 
Freeciv, GNU gs, Mozilla, SANE, Wine 
 Architectures: all, i386
 deb http://www.fs.tum.de/~bunk/debian woody/bunk-1 main contrib non-free 
 deb-src http://www.fs.tum.de/~bunk/debian woody/bunk-1 main contrib 
 lyx 1.3.1-4.bunk (all)
 lyx-common 1.3.1-4.bunk (all)
 lyx-qt 1.3.1-4.bunk (i386)
 lyx-xforms 1.3.1-4.bunk (i386)

 Packages maintained by Debian JP Project. Note that you can get Japanese 
environment on Debian without debian-jp packages. The reason why these 
packages are still in debian-jp (and not yet in debian) is that there are 
no active official maintainer/sponsor or it is just to support only 
Japanese with breaking i18n. (Added 2003-01-7, last checked 2003-04-16) 
(Download as text) - maintained by ukai at debian dot or dot jp 
 Packages in database: acceleratedx, acroread-asianfont, aflatex, alslink, 
amslatex-cur, apt-mirrorfind, atok12se, binutils-m68k-human, bmp2pms, 
boot-floppies-ja, ...
 Architectures: all, alpha, hppa, i386, m68k, powerpc, s390, sparc
 # stable 
 deb http://http.debian.or.jp/debian-jp stable-jp main contrib non-free 
 deb-src http://http.debian.or.jp/debian-jp stable-jp main contrib non-free 
 # testing 
 deb http://http.debian.or.jp/debian-jp testing-jp main contrib non-free 
 deb-src http://http.debian.or.jp/debian-jp testing-jp main contrib non-free 
 # unstable 
 deb http://http.debian.or.jp/debian-jp unstable-jp main contrib non-free 
 deb-src http://http.debian.or.jp/debian-jp unstable-jp main contrib 
 lyx-doc-ja 1.0.0-2 (all)
 lyx-ja 1.0.0-10 (i386)

 che ne dici di dare una "bookmarkata" al sito?


ciao Andrea

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