Vampir0 Ner0 wrote:

Qualcuno ha mai avuto esperienza con un PDC samba? Non so come creare i roaming profiles e il server mi dà errore quando tento di loggarmi con i dati che io stesso ho inserito. E poi, queste policy sono veramente necessarie?? E i logon script??
Premetto che ho una raccolta massiva di materiale su samba, ma non riesco a mettere tutto insieme!
PS: forse Ottavio puà aiutarmi? Ho letto un po' di roba sul tuo sito ma non c'era la risposta a questo

Ecco, appena mandata la mail ho letto questo:

âWhen I try to join the domain I get the message, `The machine account for this computer either does not exist or is not accessible'. What's wrong?â

This problem is caused by the PDC not having a suitable Machine Trust Account. If you are using the /add machine script/ method to create accounts then this would indicate that it has not worked. Ensure the domain admin user system is working.

Alternately, if you are creating account entries manually then they have not been created correctly. Make sure that you have the entry correct for the Machine Trust Account in smbpasswd file on the Samba PDC. If you added the account using an editor rather than using the smbpasswd utility, make sure that the account name is the machine NetBIOS name with a â$â appended to it (i.e., computer_name$). There must be an entry in both /etc/passwd and the smbpasswd file.

Some people have also reported that inconsistent subnet masks between the Samba server and the NT client can cause this problem. Make sure that these are consistent for both client and server.

Adesso provo.

Alessandro Dal Grande
Student In The University Of Padua - Computer Science
Linux Registered User #359258
System: GNU/Linux Debian unstable on i686
Kernel: 2.4.25 Debian Custom
Mail: Thunderbird
Chat: Kopete (ICQ) 150487234

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