Op zo, 16-01-2005 te 06:21 +0300, schreef Peter Clark:
> On Saturday 15 January 2005 16:39, Fraser Campbell wrote:
> > If you put squid as people's default gateway then you can transparently
> > redirect all web requests through squid, if they hadn't authenticated then
> > you could have an authentication box pop up or redirect them to an
> > authentication webpage if you prefer.
>     But this would require changing the user's browser settings, right?

No. Transparent proxying works 'transparent' to the user; he doesn't
know that there is a proxy.

> The 
> thing is, I don't want _everything_ to go through the proxy, 

Are the things you want to send through the proxy delimited by the
network they appear on? e.g., you want traffic for the 'Net to go
through the proxy, but want to keep traffic for your local LAN as direct
traffic? If so, then transparent proxying should work perfectly for you.

> which is what 
> would usually happen if it was set via the browser.
>     Unless I misunderstood and am mistaken about Squid's capabilities...

You did (but note that you'll need to do some iptables magic to make
this possible)

     smog  |   bricks
 AIR  --  mud  -- FIRE
soda water |   tequila
 -- with thanks to fortune

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