On Thu, Jan 13, 2005 at 06:14:05PM -0800, TR RCPG wrote:
> --- Wouter Verhelst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Walter,

It's Wouter :-)

> thank you for answering. Would you recommend following some other
> route, may be postfix or some different combination?

That's up to you. I prefer exim, and it certainly is up for the task;
but if you feel more comfortable with a different MTA, why not use that

> I need something simple and yet with enough power.

Well, then exim will certainly do. One of its original design decisions
was "let's not make things needlessly complicated", but it is extremely

     smog  |   bricks
 AIR  --  mud  -- FIRE
soda water |   tequila
 -- with thanks to fortune

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