> nodata wrote:
>> Good morning,
>> I'm having a some permissions trouble with suexec running on Sarge.
>> I have a virtualhost for a user called Bob which specifies User Bob and
>> Group Bob in the /etc/apache/conf.d/bob.conf file.
> <snip>
>> If I switch user to bob, and run ls -la on /, /var, /var/www,
>> /var/www/bob
>> I can see all of the files, so why is apache running as this user not
>> able
>> to?
> Hiya,
> You'll probably find that all your Apache processes are running as
> www-data
> based on the User directive in your main httpd.conf -- and they can't read
> bob's files.  Only CGI scripts will be affected by the "User" directive in
> a
> VirtualHost.
> From: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/core.html#user
> "Special note: Use of this directive in <VirtualHost> requires a properly
> configured suEXEC wrapper. When used inside a <VirtualHost> in this
> manner,
> only the user that CGIs are run as is affected. Non-CGI requests are still
> processed with the user specified in the main User directive."
> Regards,
>      Blair.

Ah this would explain things more - but then shouldn't running
http://website/cgi-bin/test.pl work? I get the same search permissions

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