I have been using snort-mysql with acidlab for intrusion monitoring of the computers on my network. It has been working great.
I've also been using bleedingsnort.org for some updated rule sets for virus threats and similar. I have been unable to configure the portscan detection to work correctly. My software versions are: snort-mysql:2.1.2-2 acidlab:0.9.6b20-2 Could someone please send me the configuration they used to get the portscanning to work correctly? I've played around with the examples and similar and am not sure why it is not working correctly. The open source book: "bruce peren's open source series: Advanced IDS techniques using snort,apache, mysql php, and acidlab" does not cover this. my snort.conf file: var HOME_NET [xx.xx.195.0/24,xx.xx.196.0/24,xx.xx.197.0/24,xx.xx.198.0/24,xx.xx.199.0/24] var EXTERNAL_NET !$HOME_NET var DNS_SERVERS $HOME_NET var SMTP_SERVERS $HOME_NET var HTTP_SERVERS $HOME_NET var SQL_SERVERS $HOME_NET var TELNET_SERVERS $HOME_NET var SNMP_SERVERS $HOME_NET var HTTP_PORTS 80 var SHELLCODE_PORTS !80 var ORACLE_PORTS 1521 var AIM_SERVERS [,,,,,, /24,,] var RULE_PATH /etc/snort/rules preprocessor flow: stats_interval 0 hash 2 preprocessor frag2 preprocessor stream4: disable_evasion_alerts detect_scans preprocessor stream4_reassemble preprocessor http_inspect: global iis_unicode_map unicode.map 1252 preprocessor http_inspect_server: server default profile all ports { 80 8080 8180 } oversize_dir_length 500 preprocessor rpc_decode: 111 32771 preprocessor bo preprocessor telnet_decode preprocessor flow-portscan: talker-sliding-scale-factor 0.50 talker-fixed-threshold 30 talker-sliding-threshold 30 talker-sliding-window 20 talker-fixed-window 30 scoreboard-rows-talker 30000 server-watchnet $HOME_NET server-ign ore-limit 200 server-rows 65535 server-learning-time 14400 server-scanner-limit 4 scanner-sliding-window 20 scanne r-sliding-scale-factor 0.50 scanner-fixed-threshold 15 scanner-sliding-threshold 40 scanner-fixed-window 15 scoreb oard-rows-scanner 30000 src-ignore-net xx.xx.199.62 dst-ignore-net [xx.0.0.0/30] alert-mode once output-mode msg tcp-penalties on output log_tcpdump: snort.log output database: log, mysql, user=xx password=xxx dbname=snort host=localhost output database: alert, mysql, user=xx password=xxx dbname=snort host=localhost include classification.config include reference.config include $RULE_PATH/local.rules include $RULE_PATH/bad-traffic.rules include $RULE_PATH/exploit.rules include $RULE_PATH/scan.rules include $RULE_PATH/finger.rules include $RULE_PATH/ftp.rules include $RULE_PATH/telnet.rules include $RULE_PATH/rpc.rules include $RULE_PATH/rservices.rules include $RULE_PATH/dos.rules include $RULE_PATH/ddos.rules include $RULE_PATH/dns.rules include $RULE_PATH/tftp.rules include $RULE_PATH/web-cgi.rules include $RULE_PATH/web-coldfusion.rules include $RULE_PATH/web-iis.rules include $RULE_PATH/web-frontpage.rules include $RULE_PATH/web-misc.rules include $RULE_PATH/web-client.rules include $RULE_PATH/web-php.rules include $RULE_PATH/sql.rules include $RULE_PATH/x11.rules include $RULE_PATH/icmp.rules include $RULE_PATH/netbios.rules include $RULE_PATH/misc.rules include $RULE_PATH/attack-responses.rules include $RULE_PATH/oracle.rules include $RULE_PATH/mysql.rules include $RULE_PATH/snmp.rules include $RULE_PATH/smtp.rules include $RULE_PATH/imap.rules include $RULE_PATH/pop2.rules include $RULE_PATH/pop3.rules include $RULE_PATH/nntp.rules include $RULE_PATH/other-ids.rules include $RULE_PATH/experimental.rules include $RULE_PATH/bleeding.rules include threshold.conf -- --Luke CS Sysadmin, Montana State University-Bozeman