On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 08:57:36PM +1000, Russell Coker wrote:
> I'm not forcing them to use a smart host.  If their actions get their email 
> classified as spam then it's their choice.

Here is your error: they sent no spam, in no way, ever! So you
definitively got a false positive.

> I'm speaking from personal experience in running an ISP with
> >1M customers and dealing with these issues.

I'm not impressed by your numbers, here in Italy we have a joke
that says that if thousands of millions of flies eat shit, this
should be the right thing. I think no so...

I don't dubt that your way is effective on blocking spam with
little hassle for you. I don't dubt too that your customers don't
care (or even are not aware) of loosing legitimate mails. I just
say that you are not doing the right thing.

> I'll keep blocking dialup's. If you want your customers to be
> able to send mail to machines I run then YOU will have to solve
> YOUR problem.

Thanks, very kind of you, but I think that email is
communication, and if communication fails it is a problem of
both. Your approch is quite rude, I can reverse the
argumentation: if you want your customers to be able to receive
mails from my customers YOU have to solve YOUR problem, period.

You win just because you weigh 6666 times me, not because you
are doing the right thing.


Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

War against Iraq? Not in my name!

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