look at TS100 in this page: http://www.cyclades.com/products/2/ts_series
it's 100% linux based and you can also (cross)compile additional software; it costs a few hundreds of euros
Leonardo Boselli wrote:
Sorry for an hardware question:
I would need a [_relatively_ cheap and small] device with the following capabilities:
a. one ethernet input
b. at least 16 bit of output This device should be addressed as a normal ethernet device, with a standard tcp stack, yopu just send two or more byte that would apopear on the output.
optionally one byte of input .
End of requirement
Someone has helps to do or even a project to build it ?
(even an USB one would fit)
-- Leonardo Boselli Nucleo Informatico e Telematico del Dipartimento Ingegneria Civile Universita` di Firenze , V. S. Marta 3 - I-50139 Firenze tel +39 0554796431 cell +39 3488605348 fax +39 055495333 http://www.dicea.unifi.it/~leo
-- Bye, emilio