Words by Lucas Albers [Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 12:25:17AM -0700]:
> Just recently I had my mail server swamped by a single virus machine that
> kept resending a virus message, ignoring my 5xx rejection code.
> Is it possbile to block this via an iptables smtp max connection throttle
> code?
> How do you handle this?
> Via iptables?, or via qmail/postfix/exim/sendmail internal coding?

Null route 'em. That will keep them busy for quite a long time.

> Does anyone else encounter this problem on a regular basis?

No. And I find it hard that a client machine can so easily disturb your

> How do you solve this?

null route.

Jose Celestino | http://xpto.org/~japc/files/japc-pgpkey.asc
"...the law, cold and aloof by its very nature, has no access to
 the passions that might justify the cruel act of murder." -- SADE

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