On 2/16/04 12:17 AM, "Thomas GOIRAND" wrote:

> Domain Technologie Control (DTC) is a set of PHP scripts and a web interface
> that manage a MySQL database that handles all the host information. It
> generates backup scripts, statistic calculation scripts, and config files
> for bind, Apache, qmail, and proftpd, using a single system UID/GID. With
> DTC, you can delegate the task of creating subdomains, email, and FTP
> accounts to users for the domain names they own, and monitor bandwidth per
> user and service.
> http://www.gplhost.com/?rub=softwares&sousrub=dtc
> [/Package description]

Any quota control??
> I wish to implement mailling list management to my software for all virtual
> domains. DTC uses qmail, so it has to be compatible with it. DTC will
> generate all config file for the given mailling list manager.
> I heard majordomo was good, is there something better ? I could not find it
> in debian stable, it seems it is a licence problem... Any sugestions ?

I always found Majordomo to be a pain. What about Mailman??

David Thurman
List Only at Web Presence Group Net

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