On February 12, 2004 11:31 pm, Debian ISP wrote:

> One problem we keep having involves M$ Outlook clients. It seems that
> something breaks with the communication between the server and Outlook
> clients (or posssible corrupts the pst files created for each maildir).

I haven't heard of that but most clients I have won't let go of pop3.  When 
imap is used Outlook (and other mail clients) like to make quite a few 
connections to the server, it could be that some connections are getting 
refused.  I've run into this and it's not an obvious problem.

I usually increase MAXPERIP to 10, it's default is 4.  The parameter is found 
in /etc/courier/imapd

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 http://www.wehave.net/
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada                               Debian GNU/Linux

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