This seems to be another one

Michael Loftis wrote:

Yes but if you have need of sharing a single filesystem, on a single volume, you need a FS capable of such.

--On Monday, February 09, 2004 18:33 -0600 Alex Borges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Im not shure i follow. If you've already got the SAN, why the need of a

I thought it would just export you its volumes and youd see it as scsi

El lun, 09-02-2004 a las 14:44, J.J. van Gorkum escribió:


Can sombody point me in the right direction for cluster Filesystem
support (that will work on Debian) to be used in combination with a SAN?
(Compaq MSA1000)

I have found:

- luster (clusterFS) the say they have support for Linux 2.4.x but the
systenms segfault on vanilla 2.4.20 kernels...
- gpfs (suspended by IBM due to the (soon) arrival of Storage Tank)
- openGFS (but the project seems dead -- and segv on the DLM module)

Keep in mind that running a Redhat kernel is NOT an option.

JJ van Gorkum                             Knowledge Zone
If UNIX isn't the solution, you've got the wrong problem.

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