Greetings! On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 21:55:37 +0530 prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As many of you must have experienced, there are usual SOPs for setting > up non-bloated, secure bare-bones Servers with respective OSs eg for > solaris. > Is there SOP for debian, if not, I guess this list is better poised to > produce one. Any links, pointers... I have googled, but didn't find > any old message, SPO = Standards of Practice? If so, see at A bare Debian install is pretty much stripped down (<50MB iirc), so not overly much bloat here. > One of the reasons I have found, one company took > a policy decision to not deploy to linux servers some time back, is > becuse these rapidly moving distros like RH with insecure preinstalled > bloat, was causing major maintainance & security hasle. Well, with the current release timescale being ~2 years (3.0 was released 2002-07-19) I won't call Debian "rapidly moving"... Maintenance is - as always - minimum hassle with Debian. :-) Bye Volker Tanger ITK-Security