On Fri, 5 Dec 2003 00:37, Paul Dwerryhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 11:44:54PM +1100, Russell Coker wrote:
> > I've run 250,000 users per mail store using Maildir format, Courier
> > and Qmail, given a choice I'd do it all the same apart from using
> > Postfix instead of Qmail.
> Does Postfix yet have the ability to handle LDAP users on multiple
> backends, looking up a user's mailstore from a 'mailhost' attribute,
> without messing around with scalemail?

I'm not sure.  I don't see a problem with scalemail (apart from the fact that 
I never got it working properly - but I'm sure I could have done so).

> Last time I looked, it didn't, which is why I chose qmail-ldap for that
> system...

In retrospect it may have been better to just use a single back-end store.  At 
peak load each of the 5 servers were only doing <3M per second (so it was 
totally seek bound).  If you had 25 disks connected to a single server then 
it would probably handle all the load without any problems.  You would need 
more than 4G of RAM, but that's been available for some time.

I think that a server with 25 disks in RAID-5 arrays and two of the 1G umem 
cards would be able to handle all of Zon's email (1M mail boxes of which 500K 
are regularly used) with capacity to spare.

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