
I am in creation of a Cybercenter in Strasbourg and the Material 
is around 90% complet. Two Debian/portslave-Servers wit each 32 
Lines (one server with ISDN/V90 and one with 33600) are running 
already. OK, I am missinf the third Server (Cyclades PC400-modem 
with 60 Channels). 

Now I have a biger problem:

I have bought in Summer 2000 four 3Com DSL-Router 812 (server/
client) and ten DSL-Router 612 (client = modem/router). 

Unfortunately has 3Com stoped the Production for the 812 and in 
the Internet I have found nothing. 

I need additional DSL-Router which can work in Server-Modus. 
So I need minimum 8 Channels. 

Can anyone Help me with it ?

It is not bad, if I find 19" Unites with 8 to 32 Channels of 
256/1024 kBit. 

Note:   My ADSL-Server at home works like the heaven (with 
        ciston-radius) So I like to get some 3Com ADSL 812

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