Hi, I'm pretty sure I have a cron job analysing apache logs which is consuming too much of the system's resources. So much is spent on Webalizer and Awstats that the web server stops answering requests.
The output of `uptime` was something like 2.2 before I manually kill the script and all is OK again. What can I do about this ? Here is my simple bash script: # do webazolver for i in /var/log/apache/access_tmp/*-access_log; do webazolver -N 20 -D /var/log/webazolver/dns_cache.db $i done # do webalizer for i in /var/log/apache/access_tmp/*-access_log; do site=`echo $i | sed 's/\/var\/log\/apache\/access_tmp\///'` site=`echo $site | sed 's/-access_log//'` if [ -e /etc/webalizer/$site.webalizer.conf ]; then webalizer -D /var/log/webazolver/dns_cache.db -c /etc/webalizer/$site.webalizer.conf; fi done It just loops through the apache logs and analyzes them. I even use 'webazolver' to try and help but still grinds down the machine. I currently have this script fire every 4 hours. So the logs are not too big. I'm thinking maybe to add a `sleep 300` or something to the script. Maybe it's better to check if one instance to Webalizer is already running then sleep and try again. Any suggestions. I have about 20 virtual sites on this box and 400 on another. Many thanks Regards Rudi.