Hi, just to ask a question I was thinking last days... how to monitor remote servers? (std ones, like mailserver, webserver,...)
I want to make some tests with an old webserver, and my laptop, and want to use a not too complex agent, but with some graphical analisys on parameter like cpu/memory/disk and something that can ask apache, qmail,... Nice is also to raise alarms on certain conditions...
I've tried sysstat (on debian-italian they gave me this hint), but I haven't found something that put all data together, do some graphics, and it's nice to have also some alarm, isn't it ?!?
So I tries Bigsister... not so impressed...
Now I'm looking at Nagios, and I've to say that it's really nice!!! I can attach some my plugin in C++ or bash, and it keep a graphical snapshoot of what's happening...
are there any hints in this regard?... thank you 1000, fi