
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Maarten Vink / Interstroom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tarragon Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, 21 October, 2003 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: Moving Sites

> Tarragon Allen wrote:
> > On Tuesday 21 October 2003 13:43, Rod Rodolico wrote:
> >
> >>Guess is boils down to this. When I update the address of
> >>, it can take up to 72 hours for that change to
> >>throughout the net, so I'm assuming some places will still try to send
> >>the old IP and, if I leave that box on, be delivered to it. If I turn
> >>other box off, I'm assuming they will bounce.
> No they won't bounce; most mailservers will leave messages in their
> queues for up to 5 days when your machine is down. If you lower the TTL
> for it shouldn't take 72 hours either.
> >
> > Put the IP address of the old site on the new mail server when you
bring down
> > the old one, and then change your DNS entry, wait three days, then
drop the
> > old IP address. Alternatively, set up a redirector on the old mail
server to
> > forward traffic to the new mail server (using 'redir' or something
> Or even easier: assuming the machines are in the same subnet, why not
> add the IP address of the old server to the new one, on eth0:1 or any
> other alias for your primary NIC?
> Both traffic to the old and the new IP will end up on the right server,
> and you can easily back out if there is a problem by removing the alias.

Or as a third solution, you could have the old server/IP forward mail to
the new server/IP (basically relay mail the new server/IP) and since your
new server is authoritive, it will pick up the mail. No loss.


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