On Fri, May 23, 2003 at 03:39:35PM +0200, Volker Tanger wrote:
> Main problem with flash cards is the limited number of write cycles.
> This may not be THAT much of a problem with config and even less with
> the software.
We also tried to use CompactFlash Cards (Apacer, SANdisk and SANdisk
Ultra) and experienced a lot of problems. They had badblocks just like a
normal disk, the Apacers severe problems with some BIOSes reaching from
not beeing detected at all to detected but then disconnecting under

If somebody knows a CF-Card / CF-IDE Adapter combination that is really
IDE compatible (I know that's a horrible piece of standard) and worked
reliable in production then I would really like to know about as CF
cards are in principle the right thing for firewalls, routers etc.

> One thing, though, often overseen: where do you put the logs? A firewall
> without logs looses a *LOT* of its practical value.
Remote logging with maybe a central host with logcheck installed is the
better approach anyway. Maybe keeping the last day in a tmpfs style
directory for convinience.



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