Craig wrote:

Well we cannot run raidhotadd to add the new partition because the root file
system is already mounted so we get disk busy error.

-----Original Message-----
From: thing [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 07 May 2003 09:37
Subject: Re: Recontruction a failed raid array on root

Craig wrote:

Hi Guys

We have a server running raid 1 mirroring and one of the HDD failed.
We have since replaced
the failed drive and have re-constructed 2 out of the 3 raid arrays.
The problem we are having is
with re-contructing the raid array runnning on the root partition.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


It should be straightforward, what problem(s) did you encounter?

Basically make a matching partition using fdisk, set the type to fd,
tell the raid about it now being available and watch it sync.



Show me the /etc/raidtab file, outputs from,

cat /etc/fstab

cat /etc/mtab

df -h

cat /proc/mdstat

the syntax of the raidhotadd command you used



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