On May 2, 2003 02:08 am, Art Sackett wrote:

> Using mutt, I poke the L (shifted L) to reply to the list. I suppose that r
> (unshifted r) would work, but I haven't tried it, because to reply to a
> list the appropriate command is the L.
> My mail reader works just fine, yours doesn't. Is it the list server, or
> the mail reader, at fault? My vote's on the mail reader.

Nah, he just doesn't know how to use his MUA but he's obviously willing to 
learn ... he just taught me that there's a "reply to list" button available, 
just not in the toolbar by default.

You just taught me that L works in mutt, I just tried it and l or L works in 
kmail to reply to list as well, fantastic.

Fraser Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 http://www.wehave.net/
Brampton, Ontario, Canada                                 Debian GNU/Linux

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