Intro: I am cross-posting this to postfix-users, razor-users, 
spamassassin-talk and debian-isp lists as I think the issues really 
about the collision of postfix, SA/razor2 and Debian.  Apologies if 
anyone's offended.

Background: Mine is a low input, lowish output box (i386, Debian 
stable) sitting on an ADSL connection and I only want spamassin 
filter on pickup (helps for debugging) and smtpd input streams.  I 
have RAVantivirus filtering on 10025/10026 in its standard form and 
don't want to change that.

Problem: Following flurry of Emails on postfix-users last night (many 
thanks Wietse!) when I tried to get this runnning with spamc/d 
drawing on various inputs from places on the www, I have decided that 
I need to return to square one.  I have reread up the documentation 
on the postfix site (but can see that that's for 2.0.9 and I want to 
continue to run 1.1.11 as that keeps me in synch with Debian stable) 
and on my Debian install.

I can see references in Emails on various lists to README files on 
filters but can't find any such files anywhere and my attempts to 
implement spamc/d filters were disastrous as I don't understand the 
postfix (1.1.11) flags, user or other parameters nor am I a shell 

Heartfelt request: Can someone point me to, or share with me, clear 
documentation or examples that work for them using filters in this 
way to implement spamassassin (or spamc/d) filtering on those postfix 

PSYCTC: Psychotherapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Counselling
   and Therapeutic Communities; practice, research, 
   teaching and consultancy.
Chris Evans & Jo-anne Carlyle Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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