
thanks for the email.  I figured someone else would have seen this
before.  I really appreciate the response.  I was going to try 'restart'
next, but thought I'd check with the list first.  Guess that's all there
is to it.  I'll try to get ahold of the maintainers and see if they have
any ideas.  Yeah, I've been toying with the idea of piping logs to that
script that comes with apache, but I just don't have time to mess with
that right now.  Most of our customers don't even know what their web
server logs are...

I'll check my logs for that error and I'll certainly get back to you if
I find a solution.


On Fri, Apr 11, 2003 at 11:07:20PM +0200 or thereabouts, Emmanuel Lacour wrote:
> I've got several servers too and saw this once or twice on some servers
> with apache-ssl (and woody of course).  A friend showed this too one
> time on one of his servers. The only way that seems to work actualy is
> to replace "reload" in logrotate.d/apache-ssl with "restart"!!! But can
> you really do this, it depends of your server use. I think it's a
> problem with direct logging to file. Probably using a pipe too a
> programm will be better, but debian doesn't come with such a solution in
> standard, and I haven't time to try something like this (restart is not
> really a problem for me). Maybe we will need to have a look on
> rotatelogs program which come with apache.
> Please keep us informed if you find a good issue.
> PS: each time there was lines like this in apache logs:
> accept_mutex_on: Identifier removed
> [alert] Child 4968 returned a Fatal error...
> Apache is exiting!
> At logrotate time, and apache died some minutes/hour afters (it
> depends).
> -- 
> Emmanuel Lacour ------------------------------------ Easter-eggs
> 44-46 rue de l'Ouest  -  75014 Paris   -   France -  M?tro Gait?
> Phone: +33 (0) 1 43 35 00 37    -     Fax: +33 (0) 1 41 35 00 76
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -    http://www.easter-eggs.com

David Wilk
System Administrator
Community Internet Access, Inc.

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