On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 10:09:33AM -0800, Erick Lopez Carreon wrote:
> If found a virus, then send mail to postmaster, sender
> and receiver.

Don't do that. You generate unnecessary traffic, which is pointless and
annoying in many situations. Most recent viruses and worms use a special
technique of mangling source and destination addresses, and your
warnings rarely reach the person who's computer is infected.

If you have a reliable method of detection _which_ virus was found in
a given e-mail, you may send a warning if it's one of the older viruses
which don't spoof e-mail headers.

In case of Klez and friends -- the only information you can be quite sure
of is the IP address of the sending machine. If you want, you could send
the warning to the owner/administrator of the particular network, but
do it only once per IP (i.e. keep the database of your previous


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