I am having problems with the speed of slapadd for creating a new LDAP directory from an LDIF file.
I am using a SMP machine with 2* 1.8GHz P4 Xeon CPUs and 4G of RAM. I only have minimal indexing defined as listed below. The slapadd process takes up 99% CPU time and processes about 1M of data per second, which I think is inadequate for such a system. Any suggestions on improving performance? I've included all relevant slapd.conf settings. I am using slapd version 2.0.23-6.3 (woody). I will be happy to back-port the version from unstable if it'll help. database ldbm cachesize 100000 dbcachesize 10000000 index objectClass eq index o eq index ou eq index uid eq index cn eq index mail eq index mailHost eq index mailMessageStore eq -- http://www.coker.com.au/selinux/ My NSA Security Enhanced Linux packages http://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++/ Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark http://www.coker.com.au/postal/ Postal SMTP/POP benchmark http://www.coker.com.au/~russell/ My home page