If you want to deal with the hassle of DNS switch-over from Net1 to Net2
in the event of an outage, you can do that.  You can also easily setup a
linux box or one of your Cisco routers to have two default routes.  One
would be the flat-cost circuit, the other would be per-packet circuit.

The per-packet circuit would have a higher "metric" than the flat-cost. 
You can do this with the standard linux ip routing mechanisms.  I'm sure
you have noticed the Metric column in route(8) before and perhaps not
known what it meant.  This is its use.  See the route(8) man page for
help on how to install two routes for the same network with different
metrics and gateways.  Note that higher metric is _lower_ preference. 
So use metric 0 on your least expensive gateway, metric 1 on your
"backup" route, or whatnot.

If you are doing some sort of web hosting, or something where the
general Internet is accessing services at your site, you would be _far_
smarter to colocate one or more PCs with a colocation supplier, than to
try to do fail-over with DNS.  It's a bad solution, won't work all the
time, you'll have TTL issues, etc. etc. but it is possible.

Jeff S Wheeler               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Development            Five Elements, Inc

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