On Mon, 15 Oct 2001 11:18, I. Forbes wrote:
> > I have been thinking of implementing a way of telling Portslave to pass
> > the port to another program to allow minicom or a FAX transmission to
> > take the port.
> I think the answer lies in by-passing radius.  If we had a facility like
> mgetty's "login.config" file which could decide whether to run a
> radius based program, or a local one instead, the flexibility would
> go up by an order of magnitude.  It would also make hacks like my
> UUCP one work.
> Perhaps the same or a similar configuration file could tell portslave
> how to handle incoming calls detected by the modem as being
> voice or fax as opposed to data calls.

Sure, I could add that.  Write a spec.

> > > Is it possible to call up the patched pppd from mgetty and use
> > > radius authentication and accounting?
> >
> > Sure you could have the mgetty detect the PPP frames and run pppd with
> > appropriate parameters to load the Portslave library.
> Is there a documentation for the new options on the patched pppd?

There is in the latest version which was uploaded to Debian and Sourceforge 
last night.

> In my opinion Hylfax is by far the best fax package.  It allows Class
> 1 or Class 2 modems to be used. Mgetty's fax facility only allows
> Class 2.  As over 90% of domestic quality 56k modems either have
> no Class 2 support, or Class 2 that is so buggy that it is not worth
> using this is a big plus factor.  (Almost all Windows faxing software
> uses Class 1 mode.)
> Hylafax has a "faxgetty" program that answers the modem.  It allows
> dial-out like mgetty, but it also communicates with the hylafax
> daemon to report on the status of the modem.  It has facilities for
> calling alternate programs for voice and data calls.  I am not sure if
> it can detect ppp frames.

It shouldn't be that difficult to write some code that can recognise FAX as 
well as PPP, they are very different...

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