On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 01:44:44PM -0400, Robb Kidd wrote:
> For High Availability happiness Alejandro Borges recommends:
> >Check out CODA, GFS (SAN capable, fault tolerant, network
> >logging file system) and the LVS.... AFAIK, thats the best of
> >breed of the free HA solutions...
> Linkage:
> * Coda - http://www.coda.cs.cmu.edu/
> * GFS - http://opengfs.org/ - (Open)GFS, the GPL one. Anyone
> know how it fares and compares to Sistina's?

I haven't used either.  OpenGFS hasn't released anything yet
(you have to get it from CVS) but they want to fix a bunch of
security issues they've found and tidy up the code before
releasing it.

Sistina's version has moved on from the GPL version, but there
is some concern that they may be violating the GPL and that
their code might still contain the security problems that
OpenGFS is fixing.

I have nothing to do with either project, so I don't know all
the details.  Have a look at their web sites.

Sistina's GFS web site is http://www.globalfilesystem.com/ which
redirects to http://www.sistina.com/products_gfs.htm.

Michael Wood

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