hello on day of Fri, 22 Jun 2001 08:45:48 +0200, the message from "Craig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> says:
> Ahoy there maties > > Was wondering if there is a set of sendmail config files similar to RedHats > sendmail-cf.rpm in Debian, which I can use with m4 to general my config here everything (and more :) is on the sendmail's .deb the configuration files are based on m4 and stored under /etc/mail http://packages.debian.org/sendmail on day of Fri, 22 Jun 2001 15:42:07 +0200, the message from "Craig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> says: > Hi debian dudes > > What is sendmail-wide for ? is sendmail with the patches from the wide project as explained: http://packages.debian.org/sendmail-wide http://www.wide.ad.jp/ regards teixi.