On Monday 21 May 2001 03:29, Marcin Owsiany wrote:
> Why isn't there any quota support in vanilla 2.4.4 kernel? Is
> it buggy/untested? I was able to find some patches, but the
> latest seemed to be for 2.4.3 kernel.

It is not as solidly tested as the main ReiserFS code.  On the ReiserFS list 
no-one seems to be saying anything bad about it, but hardly anyone is using 

> Does anybody have any experience with using quota with
> reiserfs? I have a dillema: either stick to ext2 on an 75-GB
> partition on an IDE drive (I fear long fscks in case of crash)
> or apply that quota patch and put reiser on it (it's said to
> cut fsck time..).

ReiserFS does not cut FSCK time.  ReiserFS took longer to FSCK last time I 
tried comparing FSCK times.

What ReiserFS does do is remove the need to FSCK after power failure or 
system lockup.

If you suffer a hardware problem or have another reason to believe that the 
file system has an error then you must FSCK it and it will take longer (but 
such situations should be rare).

Why not just use smaller partitions?

Also if you are using a single drive then perhaps you should consider using 
software RAID-1.  It is very reliable in 2.4.4 and doesn't delay the boot 
process.  If you use RAID-1 then you can lose a disk without losing any data. 
It also provides a cheap backup method of swapping the second disk.

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