* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2001.05.15 10:33]: > I have a client who is using a sendmail system with uw-imap. They are having > fairly serious performance problems ... load rarely goes below 2, ssh login > takes about 20 seconds (this is a P3 500). > > The CPU hog seems to be imapd. Some users have very large mail folders > (Sent-items particularly), when users with huge folders connect the CPU usage > on their imapd process is 99%. > > I am thinking of upgrading them to postfix to take advantage of the maildir > storage format. Is the performance of imap likely to increase when using > maildir ... I plan to use courier-imap. > > Any experiences or suggestions appreciated! > > Thanks, > Fraser
I can almost guarantee that you will see a performance increase. Also note that you don't have to change to postfix. You can configure sendmail to use whatever local delivery agent you want (ie. something like maildrop http://www.flounder.net/~mrsam/maildrop/). If it were me, I would use maildrop with sendmail first, and then replace sendmail with postfix after I have the Maildir+imap figured out. Anyway, good luck. -- Cameron Moore