>    cannot create /etc/.testfile.7ibSP3 : Permission denied (I know why :)
>                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>    wrote 83 bytes  read 36 bytes  238.00 bytes/sec
>    total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
> Q : Does any body know the meaning of this ?
  Not 100% sure on this but sounds like it can't create a tmp file.
> [2] I plan to move lot of files by this way, and I will have to play like a
> fool whith permissions. So I accept all advices, experiences, links to good
> docs ...
I'd suggest running a rsync server on the machine to be copied and a
cron job on the machine doing the copying.

  Create a /etc/rsyncd.conf config file for the rsync server. Should
look something like this:

pid file        = /var/run/rsyncd
syslog facility = syslog

path            = /
max connections = 1
read only       = true
list            = false
hosts allow     =
hosts deny      = *
uid             = root
gid             = root

[foo] is an identifier for this section. You can have multiple sections
path is where you want to start
max connections - set to whatever but one is fine for single mirror
read only - why let anyone write?
list - whether rsync advertises this section if queried
hosts allow - set to the one machine you need to give access to
hosts deny - deny everyone else
UID/GID - who rsync runs as while using this section. By using root you
have permission to all files. You could also create multiple sections
running as multiple users.

  then in /etc/inetd.conf add a line:
rsync stream tcp nowait root /path_to_rsync/rsync rsyncd --daemon

restart inetd and you are ready to sync. As root on the other machine
run something like:

rsync -e ssh --delete --exclude-from=/etc/list_of_files_to_excluded
--block-size=4096 -avzuHS [EMAIL PROTECTED]::foo/

(that's all one command line) Read the man and you'll see what the
switches are doing. Also remember that the --dry-run switch  is your
friend during set up! :-)

If you are syncing up an entire machine (i.e. /etc and everything) be
sure to exclude machine specific files like /etc/hostname,
/etc/network/interfaces, etc.

For added security your firewall should block this port to the Net.

ELB Internet Service, Inc.
Web Design, Computer Consulting, Internet Hosting

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