Bill, On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Bill Fowler wrote:
> I setting up a linux system to be a router and want to do static and dynamic > NAT with a pool of public IPs (as opposed to masquerading with one IP). I'm Do you mean you want to masquerade some public IPs to become other public IPs? (Maybe you can draw an example.) > using 2.2.18 kernel. If someone could point me in the right direction I > would appreciate it. Read the IP Masquerade HowTO And visit the Linux IP Masquerade Resource Basically, you should be able to use the same ipchains ideas but for your own IPs. Jeremy C. Reed echo 'G014AE824B0-07CC?/JJFFFI?D64CB>D=3C427=>;>6HI2><J' |\ tr /-_ :\ Sc-y./ | sed swxw`uname`w