--On Tuesday, April 17, 2001 11:24 PM +0400 Peter Novodvorsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello, Theo!

Theodore Alexandrov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Would you advice some standart stuff for webmail server installing?
Some users need to read post outside our net and using Win-clients with
telnet (deny at firewall) and IE only. And all other solutions are

I want to recommend you IMP. You can set IMAP server on firewall and IMP/Horde.

I've been playing with SilkyMail (http://www.cyrusoft.com/silkymail), which is an enhanced version of IMP. It's under the GPL, but Cyrusoft are offering commercial support packages for it. I'm very impressed, and (under the right circumstances, which mine weren't) it's a snap to build as all the tools (apache, php, etc.) are included in the tarball and a single make command builds the whole environment. Then you untar the php files into the htdocs directory, run a config script, and you're in business.


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