
There is a machine that I have to setup, which will be connected to the
net by an ADSL line.  The ISP offers a Win-only ADSL modem with static IP,
or an ethernet point, with DHCP.  So I chose the ethernet point.

The machine will rarely need to connect to anyone, but, at infrequent
intervals, will need to be connected to from outside.  A perfect case to
use static IPs ;-(

My idea was to write a cron job that would get the current IP address, and
ftp over a file to a "well known server".  As I am charged for each minute
that actual traffic flows, I do not wish to use, as it sends a
packet each minute.  A packet every 15minutes, or so, is quite fine.

2 questions:
        1       Is there a dynDNS provider, who has a longer, configurable
                ping interval?
        2       Is there some DNS update package, that can signal my
                always up server, running BIND, which can update its table?
        3       Any other ideas?


Sanjeev "ghane" Gupta                    Mob: +65 98551208
dotXtra Pte Ltd                          Fax: +65 2275776
Singapore                                email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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