Below is a script I am writing, what it does it take in values from webpage
and basically just write them to a file. What I am trying to do is:  there
is heap of different sections on the page, hessian, linen and more to be
added.  I want the script to ONLY write to file the section that is selected
and leave the rest out.  I think maybe I have done something wrong with the
ifs as it writes every field to the file when I have specified no values so
the file should be blank.
Any help greatly appreciated.


File values being written even though nothing has been specified on the
Hessian Selected
Trim - First Trim Selected  =
Trim - Second Trim Selected  =
Hessian Selected
Twotone - First Tone Selected =
Linen Selected
One Colour - Colour Selected =

print &PrintHeader;


print << `EOC`;
if [ $hessian_colour="onecolour" ]; then
echo "Hessian Selected" >> /home/httpsd/temp/countryhats
echo "One Colour - Colour Selected  = $h_colouronly" >>
if [ $hessian_colour="trim" ]; then
echo "" >> /home/httpsd/temp/countryhats | echo "" >>
echo "Hessian Selected" >> /home/httpsd/temp/countryhats
echo "Trim - First Trim Selected  = $h_trim_one" >>
echo "Trim - Second Trim Selected  = $h_trim_two" >>
if [ $hessian_colour="twotone" ]; then
echo "Hessian Selected" >> /home/httpsd/temp/countryhats
echo "Twotone - First Tone Selected = $h_tone_one" >>
echo "Twotone - First Tone Selected = $h_tone_two" >>
if [ $linen_colour="onecolour" ]; then
echo "Linen Selected" >> /home/httpsd/temp/countryhats
echo "One Colour - Colour Selected = $l_colour" >>

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