I am continually getting the following message, named[479]: XSTATS 961857757 961854157 RR=561 RNXD=68 RFwdR=397 RDupR=12 RFail=23 RFErr=0 RErr=0 RAXFR=0 RLame=7 ROpts=0 SSysQ=108 SAns=3050 SFwdQ=409 SDupQ=82 SErr=0 RQ=3501 RIQ=0 RFwdQ=0 RDupQ=30 RTCP=24 SFwdR=397 SFail=0 SFErr=0 SNaAns=837 SNXD=194
Is this something to worry about, if so can someone please tell me how to remedy? Thanks in advance Bill [EMAIL PROTECTED] ********************************* The Mind is like a parachute; it works much better when it's open. *********************************