At 12:48 PM 5/18/00 +0200, Dariush Pietrzak wrote:
>That was the original scheme, but bosses hmmm, after some consultations
>said that we should transfer data on cd-roms with armed guardian.
>so now we've got problems, and deadlines haven't changed
>although we had no idea of those security issues to be resolved.

Then your bosses are idiots who don't know what they're talking about.  A
cdrom is far less secure than an encrypted transmission buecause that cd is
going to stay around *forever* unless burned.  And it wouldn't be to hard to
pilfer one of those cd's.  You can encrypt the transmission sufficiently
that it would take centuries to decrypt, even with projected increases in
computer power.  PGP can go up to I believe 4096 bits, and you can encrypt
it an infinite number of times depending on how paranoid you are.  What's
more, direct fiber links can't be eavesdropped on because there are no EM

Exactly how far apart are these two machines?

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