On Wed, 19 Apr 2000, Chris Wagner wrote:

>At 10:10 AM 4/19/00 +0200, Christian Jannesson wrote:
>>Whats so speciall about cucipop? I use qpopper and i havent had any
>>trouble with it.
>It's more secure than other poppers.

I dont honestly think EITHER package has been audited. It's true, that
certain version of qpopper had holes in it, but that's true for almost ALL
software except DJB stuff... but anyway....

One of the main reasons for cucipops popularity over qpopper is the fact
that by DEFAULT qpopper will copy the ENTIRE mailbox before it's POP'ed.
This can lead to some chunking and can be a big waste of CPU/MEM/HD...
cucipop does _NOT_ do this by default, and qpopper can be configured NOT
to do this as well.

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