Typing away merrily, John Haggerty produced the immortal words: > Is there a good example of something in debian breaking a general > script/program server side?
Not that comes to mind. But what happens when, eg, perl is upgraded to 5.6? The perl4 -> perl5 transition broke enough stuff. Will this new one break things? If so, will Debian fork perl just to maintain backwards compatibility? The ISP where I work still has perl4 on its servers, for this very reason. When a customer has something which works, they can be very reluctant to make modifications just to use a newer version. Predicting the future is tricky. Being defensive in the way that you set things up can help you bypass some of the uncertainty. Defensive SysAdmin-ing as opposed to Defensive Programming. :^) -- HTML email - just say no --> Phil Pennock "We've got a patent on the conquering of a country through the use of force. We believe in world peace through extortionate license fees." -Bluemeat